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Artist Interview: Douglas Hoekzema aka Hoxxoh

Douglas Hoekzema and Santiago Rubino Mural




Hi Douglas, thank you for having us. Let talk a little about your work. How would you describe your work to someone who has never seen it?

I am interested in painting techniques, mechanisms and the patterns that are developed by their continuous investigation. My studio work is very process driven. Earlier on, I mainly focused on the possibilities of what a can of spray paint can do which came from a reaction to painting murals and my earlier graffiti influences. The past year, I have focused on the capabilities of a paint pendulum, which has opened up many new opportunities. I am looking forward to bringing what I’ve learned in my studio to producing large scale art projects which will allow me to push the possibilities of painting with the help of large machinery such as lifts, cranes, large pumps, helicopters and so on. .


What do you love about Miami and what do you wish was different?

The things I love about Miami besides the winter weather, blue water and being the third point of the Bermuda triangle, is the diverse culture and the food that comes with it; that’s a young city and all of its youthful ideas and dreams, and the awesome community of artists that live and work here. On the other side, I believe my good friend Pucho said it best “Miami, the land of broken dreams an get rich schemes” but that goes for any city. I truly love Miami and I’m honored to be an artist, a Miami artist.

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Douglas Hoekzema in his Miami studio

photo by: Peter Vahan

What are the artists you look up to and why?

Roxy Paine, Chris Burden, Richard Serra, Gerhard Richter, Rem Koolhaas and Miles Davis. But, the artist that have a direct influence on me are Bhakti Baxter, Brandon Opalka, Andrew Schoultz, Marquis Lewis, Michael Vasquez, Oliver Sanchez, George Sanchez Calderon and Johnny Robles to mention a few; all of which, I respect and have greatly learned from.


Hoxxoh Sofitel Vienna mural

To find out more about Hoxxoh check out his site:

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