HOXXOH on view at Swampspace

Marlon Portales on view at Spinello Projects

HOXXOH on view at Swampspace
Locust Projects | Alexandre Arrechea: Herramienta Desnuda (Bare Tool)
Locust Projects presents Bare Tool (Herramienta desnuda), a new exhibition by artist Alexandre Arrechea that explores the action of a stone skipping across water as a metaphor for “social sculpture” and the resulting ripple effect, which the artist envisions in three acts: “The Tool,” “The Action,” and “The Implications,” unfolding as a large-scale, immersive multimedia experience that invites reflection on the power of individual acts.
Sculptures suspended from the ceiling, moveable floor elements, and video projections transform a simple gesture into an engaging and expansive experience, emphasizing how seemingly small actions can lead to meaningful change.
November 23, 2024 - January 18, 2025
Saturday, December 07, 2024. 7:00pm-10:00pm
Miami Art Week Party
Locust Projects
297 NE 67th St, Miami, FL 33138
Nina Johnson | Patrick Dean Hubbell: You Guide Me Through
Exhibition of all new works that exist as a personal exploration of the interdependent relationship of self to the foundations of Indigenous cultural knowledge and cultural fundamental philosophy.
“PDH is a father, and a cattle rancher and a painter. His work is born from this context, but it is also born from a foundation of Indigenous cultural knowledge and Dine cultural philosophy. At Times It Felt Like I was Alone, But You Were Always There By My Side, both deeply personal, a reference to family, to love, to community and broadly about cultural teachings and Navajo traditions, an ancestral presence that is ever present. In the context of this exhibition, Patrick is first and foremost a painter, an individual pre-occupied with gesture and color, line and the boundaries of the picture plane
December 2nd, 2024 - January 11th, 2025
Nina Johnson
6315 NW 2nd Ave Miami, Florida 33150
Primary | Blank Space
Group exhibition featuring a selection of works from Srijon Chowdhury, Robert Crumb, Dustin Emory, David-Jeremiah, Graham Krenz, Elberto Muller, Angela Anh Nguyen, Luna Palazzolo-Daboul, Santiago Alexis Rubino, Paula Santomé, Philip Smith, & Wade Tullier.
There are no words, at least not at this time. No single phrase or polished narrative captures the nuance of this gathering. Here, a convergence of artists engage in quiet defiance of definition—together yet distinct, speaking not to the divisions around us, but to the shared experience that lies beneath.
This exhibition asks nothing of the viewer but presence. In a world saturated with clamour and certainty, we offer an invitation to dwell in the unspoken. In the quiet of these encounters, generations away from familiar narratives and prescriptive themes, ghosts, loitering in an abyss of the lingering.
Opening Saturday, November 30, 2024, to coincide with Miami Art Week and will remain on view through January 18, 2025.
Mindy Solomon Gallery | Jaime Hayon: BESTIAL
“Bestial” is a word that refers to fauna but also serves as a superlative adjective for something impressive, incredible, brutal, or savage. The exhibition delves into the relationship between nature and humanity from a critical, playful, and ironic standpoint. Animals exhibit human-like qualities and gestures, venturing into unknown realities.
December 1, 2024 – January 4, 2025
Opening Reception, December 1, 2024, 11—4pm
Mindy Solomon Gallery
848 NW 22nd St. Miami, FL 33127
Spinello Projects | The Last Ma
The gallery will feature a series of new paintings that engage deeply with issues surrounding masculinity, identity, relationships, and eroticism. Through a combination of historical and contemporary references and aesthetics, he creates a body of work that is both deeply personal and universally resonant.
Portales’ reverence for art history is evident in works inspired by masterpieces such as David Hockney’s Portrait of an Artist (Pool with Two Figures), Édouard Manet’s Le Déjeuner sur l’herbe and the romantic, dreamlike atmospheres of the Pre-Raphaelites, infusing his paintings with movement and sensuality. In this suite of paintings, Portales portrays characters and narratives within fictional, dreamlike settings. In these settings, nature plays a symbolic role, often depicted as tropical and seductive, enveloping the characters in an aura of mystery and desire. His figures are often adorned in reflective gold and silver armor or dressed in baroque- inspired fashion, merging elements of history painting with modern sensibilities. Portales uses nocturnal scenes in the exhibition to express his belief that a person’s true nature emerges more vividly at night. These works explore the metaphorical shadows of the human psyche, where the self and the other, the real and the imagined, are intertwined.
Spinello Projects
2930 NW 7 Ave, Wynwood
Emerson Dorsch | Felecia Chizuko Carlisle: Matter is a Verb
Carlisle's work challenges the divide between mind and body, subject and object, human agency, and natural forces.
December 1, 2024 - February 1, 2025
Reception: Sunday, December 1, 2024. 11AM-4PM
Emerson Dorsch
5900 NW 2nd Avenue. Miami, FL 33127
KDR | ELYLA Tierra Retumbante
Exhibition by performance artist and activist ELYLA, marking their first solo exhibition in the US. The opening reception is on December 1st, 2024, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., and the exhibition will be on view through January 11th, 2025.
For over a decade, ELYLA has critically examined the myth of the "Nicaragua Mestiza," a supposed homogeneous national identity that erases multicultural differences and shapes the self-perception of dominant populations in Central and Pacific Nicaragua. Their exploration goes beyond academic debates, posing questions like, "What does it mean to be mestizx? Can I feel mestizaje in my body? "What stories exist within our family lineages when we start calling ourselves as ‘mestizxs’? Through this personal inquiry, ELYLA unravels collective memories, revalidates dissident subjectivities, and redefines the body as a dynamic space of identity.
December 1st, 2024 –January 11th, 2025
790 NW 22nd, MIAMI, FL 33127
La Cometa | Only Lovers
In accepting divisions—between nations, humans, nature, and even within our bodies—we ignore the interconnectedness of all things. This disconnection, this lack of understanding of meaningful relationships, may lie at the root of so many problems: health issues, communication barriers, intolerance, and unhappiness.
National policies meticulously construct these divisions, creating distances and reinforcing the illusion that borders are necessary. These separations are used as control tools to cultivate habits, and evolution can begin with the possibility of breaking them.
Dec 1 - Feb 8
La Cometa Miami
1015 NW 23rd Street, Unit 2. 33127
Swampspace | Cymatics: Douglas Hoekzema
Douglas Hoekzema explores the intersection of sound and paint as a dynamic expression of mark-making. Using cymatic practice to reveal the profound impact sound frequencies have on the human condition, Hoxxoh demonstrates how sound waves can create intricate geometric patterns with paint.
Hoxxoh’s practice offers everyone the opportunity to experience the art of letting go to disambiguate the beauty of chaos for without there is no order.
December 3 - December 21
Opening Reception: Cymatics
DATE: Tuesday, December 3, 2024
TIME: 6:00PM - 10:00PM
3940 N Miami Avenue
Miami Florida, 33127
Triangle Miami is an independent publication focusing on Miami artists, galleries and local institutions.